July 19, 2011

Just for Her Summer Series - Quiet Time

The house is quiet....all my boys including Boone are sleeping. That's my time....to catch up on work, cleaning or me time. 
Yes that quiet time where I get to do whatever I want just for me. I really believe in quiet time, not just for myself but for all women. We put so many pressures and demands on ourselves in the run of a day that I feel even 10 minutes a day to unwind, reflect, pray, meditate or do whatever it is you do as down time is not only important but vital to our overall well-being. It helps us get out stress, rejuvenate our spirits and connect our souls to something of a higher power.

Some of my favourite quiet time activities are....
Reading Books/Bible
Writing or Journalling
Going for a Walk
Candlelit Bubble Bath
Listening to the rain
Listening to softly playing music

This week's Just for Her challenge is simple!
Take at least 10 minutes each day for the next 7 days as quiet time. Rejuvenate your spirit, rest your mind, and in turn make yourself a better woman because you decided to take time just for you.

"A happy life must be to a great extent a quiet life, for it is only in an atmosphere of quiet that true joy dare live."  ~ Bertrand Russell


Heather said...

Oh yeh baby....this weeks challange I will make sure it gets done --and MAYBE will TRY to do it longer...we'll see how that goes! ITS SOOOO HARD finding me time and when I do I am always thinking about what needs to be done or what I could be doing instead of taking time just for me! Being a mom and wife is such a hard job! LOL LOL

Heather said...

Oh Christa....just read blog "In Courage- The stripped down me!" you must read it, think about it, do it...wow!!! Lots to think about and do!!!

Anonymous said...

This is so true and so many of us forget that we need breaks to once and awhlie. Will take this weeks advise and go with it I hope I can stick to it cause it sounds wonderful. LOL. TT

Christa said...

Thanks for the In Courage suggestion too Heather. It was a great post :)